Projects About Contacts NL EN

The Fanfare
Electro-acoustic ensemble as an auditory happening on streets and squares

Disassembling different synths and 'remake remodel' them in cast plexi modifies musical instruments into architecture. An architecturalized auditive platform on wheels transforms public space wherever it comes
Disassembling different synths and 'remake remodel' them in cast plexi modifies musical instruments into architecture. An architecturalized auditive platform on wheels transforms public space wherever it comes
Disassembling different synths and 'remake remodel' them in cast plexi modifies musical instruments into architecture. An architecturalized auditive platform on wheels transforms public space wherever it comes
Disassembling different synths and 'remake remodel' them in cast plexi modifies musical instruments into architecture. An architecturalized auditive platform on wheels transforms public space wherever it comes
Disassembling different synths and 'remake remodel' them in cast plexi modifies musical instruments into architecture. An architecturalized auditive platform on wheels transforms public space wherever it comes
Disassembling different synths and 'remake remodel' them in cast plexi modifies musical instruments into architecture. An architecturalized auditive platform on wheels transforms public space wherever it comes